This word I like... We architect our life...
A song, a sigh... developing words that linger...
Through fields of green, through open eyes... It's for us to see.
Interanimate: To animate or inspire mutually

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Thank You in Advance

Thank You my 11 readers.
Happy New Year!

I enter the hospital tonight to begin my stem cell transplant.
I want to let you know that I really appreciate you reading my blog.

Interanimate means 'To mutually inspire'. I want that between us. If Cathie's or my words or experiences during this journey inspire you in any little way then please take a moment once in a while to do something for my family and I. Pray for us, project some of your good-will our way, or silently wish us good luck. I promise we will benefit and be better off for your inspiration. All living things are connected.

Thank You!


Anonymous said...

Jim, I hear you get the ocean view... lucky guy! I wish you much luck and will continue sending prayers your way!! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Jim, I hear you get the ocean view... lucky guy! I wish you much luck and will continue sending prayers your way!! I love you!

Jim Anderson said...

Thank you so much. I think silent or audible thoughts of good will towards someone you know helps very much. Cathie and the kids are in just as much turmoil and pain as I regarding the outcome of this journey transplant. I feel like a volunteer WW2 GI going off to fight on the beaches of Normandy to fight for a better world. Many of the volunteers will perish but many more will live to enjoy the benefits of the sacrifice of the others.

Anonymous said...

I not only wish you luck but I am sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.!!!! I make this promise to you... I will be praying everyday until you are out of the hospital!
Your friend,