This word I like... We architect our life...
A song, a sigh... developing words that linger...
Through fields of green, through open eyes... It's for us to see.
Interanimate: To animate or inspire mutually

Monday, January 7, 2008

Day -2

Monday's almost past. Today I saw my last round of Cytoxan. Not one of my favorite poisons so far. Tomorrow I'll get what I think is my last round of ATG, not a chemo. It doesnt seem to effect me as much now, very little chills. That probably means my T-Cells are nearly depleted. By tomorrow night my white blood cell counts should be near zero so they wont interfere with my donor cell infusion on Day zero.
Tonight between Cytoxan and ATG I ate dinner. I dont know if that's what did it but soon after eating my mouth became painful. They said this would probably happen, mouth sores. So, I'll hit the saline water rinse more often.
Dad came at 9:30 this morn and hung out with me a few hours. Claudia, my sister, came a little later and hung. Cathie came after most of her work day at 1:30pm. She left and came back with Maddie and Dylan for a couple hours. They did some homework.
I wasnt very good company because of the increasing mental effects of the chemo and ATG. I've been looking at all my daily blood counts along with the doctors. We can see that the counts are progressing as planned. Starting tomorrow, the effects of all the chemos will really start catching up to me. I'll need to make extra efforts to do the things they want me to do daily until the new stem cells start producing baby cells. Take 3 walks per day, eat, rinse mouth with a couple things, shower every day, exercise my lungs using a breathing device. After I get the cells infused on Wed, there is likely to be a 12-20 day wait for signs of grafting and subsequent improvements from my new stem cells. Time to hunker down, get tough. I really appreciate all the prayers, good will, and positive energy I've been feeling from my 11 readers! Again, I know this is not exactly an uplifting blog to read. And I hope I am not coming across as a complainer. I'm trying to inform those who wish to be, not so much about my progress, but as a way for you to understand the impact my situation is having upon my family as I am somewhat limited in my ability and position to help them during this time. What's more, I want to be inspired to make this journey and maybe provide some kind of inspiration for any of you who may have to, or have already, taken similar journeys. As I said, I already feel your help with this mutual inspiration project.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jim and family,
It is remarkable how you are together as a family during this very difficult time. When one is feeling down, the other can lift up their spirits. Your room needs a little color. I am glad that Cathie put out the word that you would like pictures. Carly and I will work on something. We are not good drawers but we can do computer stuff. Keep pushing forward as you have been. Laura

Anonymous said...

Jenna and I have been reading your website tonight enjoying your hilariuos, clever wit. Jenna took Human Bio last year and is impressed with your knowledge of everything you are experiencing. Wish your voice was some how on this so we could hear that famous Sunset Hills talent show voice. We are thinking of an idea to brighten up your white walls...what is your favorite color? You are all in our prayers and thoughts each day.
Beth and Jenna

Anonymous said...

Well, what can we say? We're pleased to hear that all this chemo is working, but we really wish you didn't have to suffer for it. What a price! You and your family will be so much stronger when all is accomplished. We are pulling for you 100%. Tomorrow is the big day, good luck.
Love and prayers,
Katy & Larry

Anonymous said...

Well, what can we say? We're pleased to hear that all this chemo is working, but we really wish you didn't have to suffer for it. What a price! You and your family will be so much stronger when all is accomplished. We are pulling for you 100%. Tomorrow is the big day, good luck.
Love and prayers,
Katy & Larry

Anonymous said...

You are one strong man... dont think your are depressing us, its good to know whats going on. I love how strong you and your family are. Keep up the strength! We are praying for you!
love always

Anonymous said...

Hey Jim,
It's great to get all the updates
from you.....don't worry about being being a downer to us.....
you're anything but're truly inspirational.
Well,tomorrow is the big day ...
Happy B-day or should I say T-day
for Transplant ? Our thoughts and prayers are with you...we love you.

Pat & Dave

Anonymous said...

Jim, what a great honor it is for all of us that you are able and willing to share this experience so openly and eloquently. We are all learning and growing so much thanks to you! So when does your book come out????

Happy Birth Day for tomorrow :-)
love Nick, Julie & the gang

Jim Anderson said...

Hi all. Thank you for you comments, they mean a lot to me.

SoftwareEngineer said...

I appreciate the info. Thanks for giving us the honest assessment of how you're feeling.

Your great attitude shows. here on your blog.

The storm you described in your Day - 5 blog post (that I just read today) reminded me of our storm this week. Monday night we had a horrible storm. It was so bad that we lost power for several hours Tuesday morning. At around 2:30 AM I was in a dead sleep and my wife wakes me up because she is afraid. The wind sounded pretty bad outside and she wanted to know if we should go to the basement. We don't go (mostly because I'm too tired to even think about getting the kids up and because I don't believe it's a tornado). Next day, I see online there were tornadoes but they were over sixty miles away.

We're praying for you.