This word I like... We architect our life...
A song, a sigh... developing words that linger...
Through fields of green, through open eyes... It's for us to see.
Interanimate: To animate or inspire mutually

Friday, January 18, 2008

Day +9

Yesterdays ultrascan showed perfectly functioning liver, kidney & spleen. Since I asked to see the screen during the ultrasound I had some concern about the spleen. At one point I saw a large round crater in the organ containing the clearly visible image of the head of a bearded man. I should have asked for a printout but did not even call the technicians attention to it. Since there were lots of strange images on the screen I'm not the slightest worried about it. I'm sure it was the morphine.
Last night I had an episode of cardiac arrhythmia, irregular heartbeat. They did an EKG and then a couple shots of Dijoxan. They say its normal to have such things happen after a major chemo assault on the body. The only other thing going on was rising levels of bilirubin. Most of the morphine I was pushing personally was due to stomach pain. Yesterday I decided to give Malox a try thinking that the problem may be rooted in stomach acid. The result was that I had to push the morphine button a lot less through the day and night. My early a.m. blood test report rewarded my patience, bilirubin levels were down by half. At this morning's doctor meeting I was told I was right where I should be in the process. In the next couple days I hope to see that blip in the blood counts indicating that WBC production has started. The new WBCS will automatically drift their way to my stomach, esophagus and mouth lining to fix the mucuscosis and resulting pain. I cant wait!
love you all!


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear about your ultrasound! I was a little concerned when I didn't see your updates. Hang in there, there is light!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim,
Larry has an idea for a new cure for you. It's -35 degrees here and if you go outside for 5 minutes - walla, you're cured!

Anyway, it's a good thing you are in San Diego with doctors who know better.

It's good to see your updates flowing again. Sounds like your progress is on track. Maalox is a little drastic, but, whatever works, right? I would have to be really, really sick to get that stuff down.

The wind chill really is -35 here. It's damn cold. Oh-oh, can I write that in this blog? We'll see!

Go Chargers, Go Pack!

Katy & Larry

Anonymous said...

Maalox... rock on! Thats better then morphine if you ask me. I am glad to hear everything is going well... sounds like you are right on track to a healthy recovery. There are days that are not so fun, but then just look to when your out, and how great that will be! We all love you so much! The baby it getting HUGE and moves around a lot! Like you said I think its going to be an alien breaking out of my stomach!! Love you so much!

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,

Its great to hear things are looking ahead. I hope you and the family are hanging in there and know that this will be a short jog in your long life. :) Love you and wish the best to keep coming your way.


Duane said...

Happy to see that the doctor said things are where they should be.

Let's go new blood stem cells!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim,

Happy to hear the Maalox is helping. When Nick was in the hospital he was a much happier camper once they added a pepcid drip to go with the morphine!

Go Chargers!!!
